Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Catching Up to Martha Stewart

Ok so, even though I was/am in the military, I still struggle with keeping my house clean. I blame it on having two kids under 3 but that excuse will only hold up for so much longer. I will never, ever, catch up to Martha Stewart, but here is my first go at trying to be like her perfect little self (minus the money issues that put her in jail. That, my friend, is a place I never want to go.).

So today, I sat my happy butt down and decided to make a list for Fall 2010, Monday through Sunday, listing each day and what to focus on each day. I'm hoping each day will take about 1/2 hour or less, and it can be done when the boys are taking their naps (Praying that Jackson still continues to take his naps!)

Tuesday means focusing on the dining room. So, right now the table is piled up with papers, school books, crayons, bags from target, zhuzhu pet house thing etc.. The floor is swept and mopped. The floor looks dry, so instead of me attacking the stuff on the table I, of course in my procrationational way, am putting up a new blog. I will get to it in a minute (hahaha famous words of a procratinator!!!)

Today the boys and I took our first post-op outing alone together, which means I drove around town and we survived the trip. I have been so cooped up in this house, staring at the same walls and watching the same mind-numbing but addictive childrens shows, I just had to get out today. We went to Target (thus the target bags on the dining room table), and to the park. It wasn't too hot today, which was nice.

We played for about 1 1/2 hrs and then went home, played with some new play-doh, watched Word World on PBS and then the boys went to bed. Since they are both in toddler beds now, the actual sleeping of nap time comes usually within 10 to 30 minutes of the actual start of nap time. Charlie usually gives up before Jackson.

Speaking of the boys, I am in the works of planning to paint their room (FINALLY!). After seeing several friends babys rooms, I have the urge to finally decorate a baby room. I have not had that opportunity, mainly because we moved from Louisiana to California shortly after Jackson was born, and we knew we weren't going to be in staying in our first apartment out here (way too complicated to write why here) so now that it looks like we'll be in this apartment for at least another 2-3 years, I feel grounded enough to finally decorate/paint this apartment. I think it'll feel a lot more 'homely' and will let my creative side blossom once again. At least, hopefully.

Ok, so that is enough procrastination for now, time to tackle those papers etc on the dining room table!

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