Thursday, February 20, 2014

Valentine's Day has come and (almost) left our house.

I was looking through pinterest, as I do for "brain candy" time, and came cross this cute printable valentine to go with a bubble wand. Seeing how Charlie's school didn't really like the idea of candy valentines, we stuck to bubbles and erasers along with a home made card. Decided to do this for both boys. 

This was Jackson's first year of passing out Valentines to his classmates, and he had an absolute blast assembling his valentines, making sure each envelope was ready and writing his name (willingly!) on the back.

Charles' school does valentines a little differently. Instead of one big valentine passing out day, they start in earlier February and then continue through past Valentines day, bringing 3 valentines a day until they are through the class roster.

(Below is a version of The Girl Creative's printable. I couldn't get back onto her site due to an error, so here it is. Once her site is back up, I'll link directly to the printable.)