We celebrated Jackson's 3rd birthday this past weekend with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme! Sean took the boys out to the park while I frantically finished last minute details in preparation for his party. Luckily the whole thing came together by the time Jackson got back from the park with Sean and Charlie. The first thing both Jack and Charlie noticed were balloons in the living room and got to playing with them right away. They had a blast! Soon, guests started to arrive and we got to playing games. First game was 'pin the nose on Mickey'. The kids seemed to love the game, and a 'prize' was make-your-own mickey mouse ears. The second game was 'Donald Duck gooey fishing'. The prize was swedish fish in a baggie. Jackson wanted to play this game over and over. We then opened presents and afterwards Jackson blew out his candles and we all had cake. The party was short and sweet, but everyone seemed to have a lot of fun!
Happy Birthday Banner and Table

Water bottle labels on mini-water bottles
#3 Mickey Mouse Cupcakes
Gooey Fishing! (Sweedish Fish!!!)
Jackson's Third Birthday Cake (#1)

Birthday Cake again
Blowing out the candles!
Auntie Mallory and Charlie enjoying cake
Jackson, Zoey and Ben enjoying cake and lemonade!
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