So, we went on a very awesome road trip over the kid's spring break this year. It was a blast! We traveled from California to Louisiana and back, all by car! Yes, with three kids in the car. And you know what? They all did remarkably well considering the amount of drive time we had to do.
On the road, Sean and I had several things to ponder over, and one thing that we thought about was making something 'entertaining' for the adults in the front of the car staying awake and try to make the time pass by faster.
This something is called Road Kill Bingo.
Using gallows humor, we find this concept quite interesting and thought it would have come in handy, especially as we were traveling the long roads to and from our destinations.
So, for fun, I made a single BINGO card, but only with a few animals mixed on the board. You could make your own, of course. We did see a dead cow on the side of the road (luckily, we didn't have to explain that one to the kids! They didn't notice!) but we didn't include that one on this board. You could make one for the region that you are going into. For example, we do not have armadillos here in California, unless they are in zoos.. that I know of... :)
Anyways, here is the board we came up with and hope you can enjoy it!