Thursday, December 20, 2012

Friday postings

Hi friends,

I think I might try doing a themed Friday post. Not sure what yet but something! I guess it will develop in time :)

Jackson turned 5 this week!!!! Just amazing how time flies! We are having a bouncy party for him after the new year to celebrate the big 5!

Recently we have been busy with Christmas parties for school and Sean's work, my nursing finals and wrapping up school for the boys calendar year.

Since I've been out of school (a whole week!) I have been busy being an elf -- making presents for Christmas gifts this year, baking cookies, and sewing my little crafty heart out.

What I can show you so far of finished projects are cookies and stockings! While I have gotten the sugar cookie recipe down, and the frosting/icing recipe down, the actual frosting of the cookies needs a little more practice!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Never failing as a parent

So, browsing through Facebook today before MOPS was interesting. Found an awesome article posted by a friend, and realized that the article was written by one of the bloggers I follow: the Pregnant Chicken. She's just awesome: down to earth, nitty gritty, and even uses 'colorful' language that we all think but don't all necessarily say (every day) about pregnancy, parenting and everywhere in between.

So, if anyone is out there that actually reads TLB, then, please also check out Pregnant Chicken!

And, the article I was referencing is "Why You're Never Failing as a Mother" can be found HERE.

I hope everyone is having a very festive holiday season! We're gearing up for Christmas here ourselves, and personally I am so very excited to be done with this semester of nursing school (I have a final exam tonight!!)