Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile visits Tustin!

In Late January, our little town had a visit from the famous Oscar Mayer Wienermobile! It was a little rainy of a day, but that didn't keep us from going. Charlie, though, was napping so he couldn't visit :( Jackson, Cousin Zoey, Grandma and Auntie Mallory (and mommy, of course) went out to visit the famous hot-dog car. Here are some pictures from that fun day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Idyllwild in January

The boys, my mom, and I drove up to Idyllwild, CA for the day on one of my mom's furlough days. It was a really nice, easy drive with minimal traffic. Sunny day in the 70s made doubts of any lingering snow existing in the mountains for the boys to play in, but I packed extra sets of clothes just in case. After approaching about 5000 feet, patches of snow hidden in the shadows of trees started to be seen, and sure enough, there was just enough snow for the kiddos to play in! We visited the faerie shop (lady of the lake) and soap shoppe (lady of the lake soaps), ate our packed lunches, walked around for a bit and then let the boys PLAY! A nice gentleman who had some land fenced off let the kids play there -- there was a LOT of snow for them to play in, make snowballs, and just have a good time. We stopped in town for some old fashioned ice cream and snowcones before heading back down the hill. Thinking of maybe renting a cabin in the future, it is SO beautiful in Idyllwild!!! Here are some pics from the day! Can't wait to go back, maybe with more snow!

Charlie's first time at the 'snow' (or shoveled off left over snow)...

Charlie trying to figure out if he can eat it

the boys standing near a big wooden boot!

Grandma showing the kids rainsticks
jackson and charlie playing rain music
The boys with a big bear!

Lunch Time! Jackson snagged Grandma's yogert.

Charlie enjoying his lunch.

Grandma taking pictures of the boys eating their lunches.

Charlie playing with ice-snow. He destroyed this wanna-be snow/ice man.
The boys playing in a patch of snow.
Jackson and his Snowball. He wanted to take it home ::tear!::Charlie is very happy about his snowball! Charlie enjoying his snowcone and snowball. It's all snow, right? Charlie posing in front of the giant ice cream sign. Jackson and Charlie love ice cream. Jackson is amazed at how big this ice cream is! Charlie on a bench with his name on it! The boys enjoying the rest of their snowcones. Thanks Grandma!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas was a lot of fun! The boys came downstairs, all groggy eyed after "sleeping in" until 7am (that's LATE for them!). They came downstairs, and there was a big train table and presents under the tree, and the cookies and milk were eaten! ("where'd it go?" Jackson asked) We had a great day with family. Kathryn and Zoey spent the night at Grandma and Grandpas house and we went back and forth between the two houses playing and having fun. We ate dinner at our house and had fun just hanging out!

Jackson checking out his 'loot' from his stocking :)

Jackson's FIRST day of "School"!

Jackson was accepted to go to speech therapy through our school district! yay! So the school district has his speech therapy twice a week at an elementary school.. so technically he 'goes to school' right? (yea yea it's speech therapy, I get it!) He was so excited about his first day of 'school'! Even though it isn't 'real' preschool or anything, we still think of it as a big day for our little guy!

Daddy and Jackson!

Mommy and Jackson!

Jackson and Charlie on our way to School!