Thursday, September 16, 2010

September already!

So it's been a while, but I'm back with another blog entry

I need to figure out how to put pictures on here! :)

Had my first MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) day today. Slept like crap last night -- I was anxious for MOPS! I'm table leading and co-leading crafts. Table leading is easier than the craft thing, believe it or not. With crafts, people either like them or they don't. People get lost with directions and I suck at giving directions, plus the other mama "J" and I didn't exactly practice too much together before our big debut in the crafts arena. Lessons learned! We'll do better next time.

This week, Jackson had a speech evaluation and will have a follow up soon in a more formal setting. He will be 3 in December and is behind on speaking words and some social skills. We're working on it.

Today at MOPS the boys did great. Jackson played pretty well, listened for the most part and had a generally good day from what I was told. Jackson, though, hid under the table for a little bit. I have a few friends who are/have majored in behavioral stuff so I think I'll be talking to them about my boyz. Charlie had a blast! When he went outside he found a puddle, splashed in it, and then laid down in it and tried to drink the water. Great, yep, that's my Charlie! I told them what I guessed he did with the puddle, as they were trying to tell my why they had to change his clothes -- and laughed when I asked if he tried to drink the water. :)

Coming home was fun. Of course I pick up the boys and I realize I forgot a big bag of wonderful toys that Mrs C gave to the boys. So we go back, get the toys, and Jackson saw another kid's capri sun drink. The bad mommy that I am forgot to pack a drink for him -- I figured we'd be eating lunch at home since we're not supposed to eat in the room MOPS is held at anymore -- and of course tried to take a little kids drink. :( I'll do better next time little guy!

We got home and the boys ate their lunch (read: Charlie at the jelly from his PB+J sandwich) and I scooted them up to their room to go to bed. After tucking them in, I returned to their room, oh, about 5 times to quiet them down, take away a car, a pair of shoes that one of them was holding and hitting the wall, etc.. Eventually they went to sleep around 1:30 pm, when I had originally put them down at 12:30pm. (they usually start a nap at about 11:30 am, but we didn't even leave church until after then!)

Yesterday we had a really great day. We went to target, got a few things and then went to the Esplanade trail for a walk. Jackson rode his little heart out on his tricycle, Charlie scooted along on the mickey mouse car, and I walked with the diaper bag, camera and water bottles in tow. It was a great walk! I texted my mom on the walk and let her know we were going there, and she surprised us and met us on the trail. I really enjoyed that walk. My greatest fear of taking the boys out somewhere like that, on a walk in general, is that they'd run into a street or not listen and get hit by a car. This is a great trail because for the most part it is away from cars!!! We did have to cross one street, twice, and both times Jackson and Charlie listened to me, waited until I told them to cross, and then they crossed promptly. I definately want to go back on that trail. Maybe we'll go further down the road next time :) After Sean got home yesterday, we ate dinner, and then went outside to play. Yesterday was just one of those unexpected overall great days. No big complaints, no big worries. Good times and laughter abound!